Energetic Healing, Coaching and Mentoring
Use the power of the source of all that is and your own self-healing capabilities

Trapped emotions hinder us unnoticed

We can release everything that is aburden for us

People need emotional healing now more than ever. It seems like our world is in more and more turmoil every day. Illnesses, political unrest, cultural tensions and disagreements can put a strain on us all.  If these stresses become too strong and the energy of negative emotions remains unprocessed, these unresolved emotions become embedded somewhere in the body. These embedded emotions lead to emotional and physical pain, discomfort, anxiety and depression - in short, you can 't be the person you really are.

These embedded emotional energies ("old wounds", "emotional baggage") are subsequently triggered by experiences in daily life, causing disruptions in the body's normal energy flow, which can lead to a variety of other emotional and physical symptoms.

In addition, trapped emotions attract even more similar emotions into your life - this is the law of resonance.

But if your mind-body connection is strong enough, emotional therapy can help you stay positive and calm even in the most difficult times. Also, behaviors associated with the emotion, usually negative, disappear through the resolution of the trapped emotion in question.

Ginger, my beloved Maine Coon, who selected me

By the way: animals can also have trapped emotions!

Our beloved animals also have emotions that can go unnoticed - all the more so as they cannot communicate with us in the same way as we humans can with each other. Nevertheless, they are connected to us, and animals love much more unconditionally than we rational humans. They are therefore much more susceptible to emotional deficits.

We usually notice this by various abnormalities in behavior

  • in certain places
  • towards certain people
  • in certain situations

as our animals unfortunately cannot talk to us. Sudden changes in behavior in particular are a strong sign of embedded emotions. With the animal owner's consent, i can also detect and resolve these by connecting energetically with the animal.

I can help you dissolve your trapped emotions!

By the way: The release of trapped emotions also works at a distance - so it is not necessary for you and I to be in the same room while I am working with you. In addition, i can also act as a proxy  (i.e. carry out the whole process for you by connecting with you energetically). The prerequisite for any such work is your consent or, if I am working with underage children, the consent of a parent or guardian.

If you feel addressed here and have gained the impression that I can make a contribution to your future better life, then simply contact me without obligation for a free 1:1 conversation.


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