According to C. G. Jung, our shadows are those parts, sides and characteristics of ourselves that we are not aware of and that contradict the ego ideal, the collective unconscious dispositions that are not compatible with the conscious way of life and therefore cannot be integrated into the ego.
The very qualities that we are firmly convinced do not belong to us are often hidden in our subconscious (the shadow) because we repress them there after not wanting to see them. If we learn to recognize and accept them instead of repressing them, we can experience ourselves as one, thus realizing our full potential and finding our true purpose and lightness.
Your shadows mostly arise from
Such repressed shadow parts can be
Your shadows are not locked away in inactivity, but can be triggered by external impulses - they are practically waiting to be used. They then wake up spontaneously, you have no influence over them, and they lead you to unconscious actions, feelings and behaviors without you knowing why. You begin to project these unloved aspects onto the outside world and reject the people and situations on the outside that remind you of your own shadow parts.
The more you repress your shadow parts, the more strongly they affect your life, up to and including psychoses and other health effects.
The most common areas in which your shadows have an effect are your partnership and career.
You cannot live a good and fulfilling partnership if it is not the right one. You live the right partnership with people who harmonize with your soul. You can only find happiness and fulfillment in the long term with the right soul-minded partners who resonate with you.
You cannot do any job well and fulfillingly if it is not the right one - i.e. the job that corresponds to your true nature - your vocation. In the long term, you can only find prosperity and security in your right soul-determined field of work, with the right tasks and the right use of your talents and gifts.
The solution: Recognize the repressed parts of yourself and integrate them into your life in a positive way.
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