Energetic Healing, Coaching and Mentoring
Use the power of the source of all that is and your own self-healing capabilities

Strengthen your intuition

Listen to your heart


Everyone has intuition, but not everyone has learned to tap into their inner knowing easily. Intuition can be a powerful tool to guide you through life because it can act like an inner compass that always leads you to your truth. A strong intuition can help you make decisions that are beneficial to you, choose positive relationships, guide you to success and navigate through life with more confidence. These techniques will help you strengthen your intuition and develop confidence in your intuitive gifts.


"Intuition is seeing with the soul." (Dean Koontz)


Some people also refer to intuition as a gut feeling. Think of intuition as an inner knowing or understanding of what is right for you. Intuition is not based on your conscious mind, which can make it more difficult to understand the concept. It is more of a feeling than a concrete, definite fact.

You see more than you believe

Other people refer to intuition as seeing with the third eye. If we understand the third eye as the eye of the soul, it is this intuitive "seeing" that helps us to read between the lines in our lives. It helps us to perceive things that we do not see, that we do not express and that are often unknown to our conscious mind.

The more you can calm your mind by going into mindfulness, the sooner you will be able to recognize your intuition. Once you have felt this strong instinct, you will be able to recognize it more easily the next time. For some, intuition may show up as a gut feeling. For others, intuition takes the form of thoughts, dreams or strong emotions.

Examples for intuitive knowledge

  • An inexplicable "knowing" that something is going to happen before it happens
  • Strong positive or negative emotions towards a person you have just met
  • The feeling that you should go to a certain place or do a certain thing without having a real explanation for it
  • An inexplicable feeling that is not directly related to the current event
  • Flashes or fleeting impressions of things that seem to come out of nowhere
  • Realistic dreams of people or places

How you can activate and strengthen your intuition

By making an effort to strengthen your intuition, you will listen to it more closely, trust the answers it gives you and act on these feelings.


1. Calm your mind with meditation and thus come into mindfulness

When you spend time in silence and actively try to quiet your conscious mind and tap into your subconscious, you become more in tune with yourself and your intuition. Meditation is simple and requires no experience or special tools!

2. Listen to your body and your heart

Keep care of your heart room

For many people, intuition is felt in the body when they connect more with their body feeling and heart. Pay attention to how you feel physically when you are trying to make a decision. If you feel uncomfortable, queasy or sick with one option, while you feel light and comfortable with the other, these are helpful clues that can help you make your decision. A classic example is the heartache associated with one decision option, which clearly shows you that your heart is involved in the decision as well as your mind.

3. Follow your instincts

If you have a strong impression, try to follow your gut feeling! Even if there is no concrete evidence that it is the right decision, try out what happens when you trust yourself. When you observe the positive results of following your intuition, you will be able to trust it in the future. Start with low-pressure decisions, such as what to eat in the evening or what to wear in the morning.

4. Avoid sensory overload through media and technology

If you free your conscious and subconscious mind as much as possible from the thoughts of others, which are expressed energetically through words, images and music, you are better able to have your own thoughts. This allows the energies of your intuition to flow more freely. Unconscious media consumption puts your brain in a theta state This clears the way for ideas and suggestions from others to enter your mind and take root (this is how TV commercials built into movies work, for example).

These distractions can have a detrimental effect on your ability to listen to yourself. Try to take regular time-outs from your phone, computer and TV. As one of my teachers, Bob Proctor, said so well: "People who spend most of their free time in front of the TV or on social media are more interested in what's offered there than in their own lives".

5. Write down your dreams

When you sleep, the conscious mind rests and creates space for the subconscious to take over - the soul goes on a journey. Sometimes your dreams can contain clues to intuitions. After waking up, try to write down everything that feels meaningful that you remember from your dreams - keep a dream journal.

6. Be creative


Creativity is an effective way to quiet the cognitive mind and let your intuition run free. Try to spend time regularly doing creative activities, anything that stimulates your creativity and brings you into mindfulness.

7. Connect with nature

Human beings are meant to be in nature. Spending time in nature helps us to rediscover our elemental self. Intuition flows naturally when we hear the gurgling of a creek, the rustling of the wind in the treetops or birdsong ....

8. Talk to your subconscious mind

You can communicate with your subconscious mind. Although it cannot speak in the conventional sense via language, it will always answer you truthfully (the subconscious cannot lie) if you ask it questions that can be answered clearly with "yes" or "no". You can do this using muscle tests, for example - I will be happy to support you with this or teach you how to do it.

What to do in case of blockages?

All blockages can be released

Trapped emotions or energetic imbalances can interfere with your ability to calm your mind, come into mindfulness and thus hear your inner voice.

Once you are free of these energetic blockages, you will certainly have greater confidence in your understanding of the intuitions that come to you. By removing negative memory filters, the intelligence of the heart and subconscious mind can receive and perceive messages from people and from yourself more clearly. You are thus freer as a channel for receiving messages from your intuition.

I am happy to support you in this process within the framework of energy healing by releasing trapped emotions and energetic imbalances.

If you feel addressed here and have gained the impression that I can make a contribution to your future better life, then simply contact me without obligation for a free 1:1 conversation.


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