We all incarnate in this world with a soul plan that our higher self has already determined before our incarnation. Above all else is the soul's desire to experience itself and develop further (together with the soul family) - that is why it has incarnated here in three dimensions. In doing so, it takes the history of previous lives with it - experiences that we cannot easily grasp consciously, but which have a decisive influence on our lives - our karma. However, this is nothing evil, as is often misrepresented - it is simply the living law of cause and effect. In this three-dimensionality (physicality), we are endowed with free will, which is usually expressed to a large extent through our mind. But much more importantly, our heart speaks through our feelings as an expression of the soul.
For unconscious people, the voice of the heart often goes unheard. They do not listen to this quiet inner voice and feel tired and exhausted. Feelings and emotions are not lived out, but pushed aside. However, they do not disappear because of this, but become trapped in our body subconsciously. This results in energetic imbalances that lead our daily behavior away from our soul plan. However, because we are unconscious, we are unaware of this, which leads to permanent dissatisfaction and disorientation. These people prefer to deal with what they don't want (this is the mind talking) rather than what they do want (this is the soul and heart talking). This is the stuff that all the problems of our world are made of - from the dysfunction of our society to wars.
I see my task in liberating people from this cycle. Awakened people who have left this cycle are the creators of the new world in harmony with everything that lives - the whole of creation and the source of all that is. They create a peaceful future together without competition and conflict - in loving co-creation.
Your soul plan and the answer to the question "what am I here for?" can only be found by yourself in the silence of meditation. No third party can tell you that. Free your mind from the disturbances of the mind and quiet the inner critic. Ask the source of all that is about your purpose and feel the answers. This certainly takes a bit of practice, but the process is very simple - anyone can talk to the source.
Karma is not a punishment as often described in the past - it is simply the collection of connections (contracts, promises, actions, etc.) from previous incarnations (but the current one also) that have simply not yet been dealt with and influence our lives as a kind of "legacy". I help to dissolve such "legacy burdens" in the energetic karma resolution and release all those involved from these connections.
Once emotions have been trapped and energetic imbalances have arisen, they can be cleared. This requires your intention to carry out this elimination and the willingness not to build up any further burdens by "listening away from the soul". I can easily dissolve obstructive belief patterns, trapped emotions and energetic imbalances. This will make your life easier, more free and more conscious.
Many people have asked me: “The voice of my soul and my heart is so quiet - what can I do to make it louder?”
I always answer: “If you can't hear the voice of your soul and heart, you have to turn down the volume of your mind!”
If you feel addressed here and have gained the impression that I can make a contribution to your future better life, then simply contact me without obligation for a free 1:1 conversation.