Energetic Healing, Coaching and Mentoring
Connect with the source of all that is and activate your self-healing power

Scientific foundations of energetic therapy

 To this day, many mechanisms of energetic therapy cannot be explained and researched with the science we know. For this reason, energy therapy is often classified as esoteric (in the original meaning of the term, esotericism is a philosophical doctrine that is only accessible to a limited “inner” circle of people, as opposed to exotericism as generally accessible knowledge) or woodoo (voodoo, also known as Vodun, Voudou, Vaudou, Wudu or Wodu, is a syncretic religion that originally developed in West Africa and is now also found in Creole societies in the Atlantic region, particularly in Haiti).

This makes it all the more important for me to document here those topics that are already scientifically substantiated. This section will be continuously expanded, prioritized according to the importance of the topic for my work. I would also like to dispel any doubts you may have about the seriousness of energetic therapy.


Topics covered by this knowledge base

The heart wall

What are emotions?

The levels of awareness