Energetic Healing, Coaching and Mentoring
Connect with the source of all that is and activate your self-healing power

Communicating with the Subconscious via Muscle Testing

Our subconscious mind knows exactly the causes of all the physical, mental and emotional problems that burden us. However, it cannot speak in the conventional sense (formulate whole sentences), but can only answer our questions with "yes" or "no". However, it is possible to access the knowledge of the subconscious mind by asking specific questions.

The method of choice is muscle testing (long known from kinesiology) - a non-invasive method that can be used to identify the possible causes of ailments, discomfort and illness - from nutritional needs to trapped emotions and energetic imbalances.

The most common muscle tests

The sway (tilt) test

The sway test shows the answer by the body swaying either forward or backward. The idea is that your body moves towards truth, positivity or congruence and that it moves away from negativity, falsehood or incongruence. This is due to the intelligence of your subconscious mind, which knows what is true and what is false.

Stand in a relaxed position with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands at your sides and close your eyes. Think of something negative (illness, war, etc.). You will notice that your body tries to recoil from the thought you have spread out in front of you. You lean backwards, away from the negative thought. This backward movement usually happens within 3 to 10 seconds, but perhaps even sooner.

Now clear your mind of the negative thought and think of something positive (love, etc.). You will notice that your body tries to move towards the thought that you have spread out in front of you. You lean forward towards the positive thought. This forward movement also usually happens within 3 to 10 seconds, but perhaps even sooner.

If you get a clear and accurate response to each of these exercises, you have performed a proper baseline test. This means that you should be testable.

The elbow test

The elbow test can be performed over a  longer period of time without tiring. To begin, bring one of your elbows to your side, resting your upper arm against your body or the back of a chair. Your elbow should be bent at a 90-degree angle so that your forearm is parallel to the floor.

Now place two fingers of your other hand on your wrist. Say the word "yes" and gently push your arm down. The forearm should remain firm. Now say the word "No" and press lightly on the arm again. You should notice a slight weakening, the forearm should give way to your pressure.

Remember that with each of these tests you are only trying to detect the slight change that has taken place in the body. You're not looking for a dramatic difference, but with practice, you should be able to tell the subtle difference between "yes" and "no" answers.

The ring-in-ring test

Form a closed ring with the thumb and middle finger of one hand. Make the same shape with the thumb and middle finger of the other hand. Connect the rings together like two links in a chain. You can use this manual muscle testing technique in two different ways:

  1. Choose one hand for the resistance ring and one hand for the pressure ring. The pressure ring remains closed, while the resistance ring opens for a "no" answer and remains closed for a "yes" answer.
  2. However, you can also plan for both rings to remain closed if the answer is “yes” and open if the answer is “no”.

As with the previous methods, try varying the resistance in the rings while saying something negative or wrong. Try to pull the rings apart as you make the statement. Remember, you are simply trying to find the strength setting that will allow the rings to pull apart for a negative or false statement and stay connected for a positive or true statement.

The proxy test

Muscle testing can also be performed by proxies with the permission of the person being tested. Substitute muscle testing can be performed when the person being tested cannot be present (remote treatment), or the person being tested cannot be tested for any reason. In these cases, the deputy will be appointed in his place. This may be a third person acting as a proxy, or the tester may perform the test on their own body and act as a proxy for the person being tested.

Essential criteria for test success

All muscle tests mentioned have two essential success criteria:

  1. The clear intention to speak to the subconscious. This requires calm and concentration.
  2. Only ask the subconscious questions that can be clearly answered with “yes” or “no”. Otherwise you will either get no answer or no repeatable answer.

Circumstances that prevent the feasibility of muscle testing


  1. Dehydration - if the tester or person being tested is dehydrated, it may be difficult to get an accurate answer from a person being tested or from yourself (for self-tests). It may be difficult for the tester to read answers accurately if they are not adequately hydrated.
  2. Applying too much pressure - if the tester applies too much pressure, it is difficult to tell the subtle difference between strong and weak responses, resulting in inaccurate test results.
  3. Misaligned cervical vertebrae - if the person being tested has a misalignment of the cervical vertebrae, this could interfere with obtaining accurate answers with muscle testing. A proxy test may then be indicated as an alternative.
  4. Lack of trust - it becomes really difficult for the tester if he cannot really trust his results. Successful muscle testing requires a certain level of faith and trust - in the divine and in yourself.
  5. Trapped emotions or other energetic imbalances - certain trapped emotions or other energetic imbalances that make the tester less receptive to positive energy can prevent successful muscle testing. It is then necessary to have this resolved first by the tester himself (preferably by an experienced practitioner).

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