Energetic Healing, Coaching and Mentoring
Connect with the source of all that is and activate your self-healing power

Remote therapy  - Treatment independent of Time and Space

We are all energetically connected. We notice this (especially if we are a little sensitive) when we unconsciously sense the "state of mind" of another person. Another example is when someone we have not been in contact with for a long time and who we are thinking about suddenly calls at that very moment.

It is therefore possible to connect energetically with other people over any distance on purpose. However, this only works with the consent of the person concerned. The willingness to consent requires a great deal of trust, which is why you and I should always get to know each other well before we start any treatment work together. That you can "take over another person" is an unfounded fear.

My remote treatments include all of the ThetaHealing® and energy healing treatments described. There are a few small differences.

For belief system work and energetic karma resolution with ThetaHealing® we should be in contact (preferably by video - Zoom, or similar - but at least by telephone), as a lot of dialog is required during the treatment.

In the case of remote treatment when releasing trapped emotions and energetic imbalances, contact during the treatment is not necessary if the task and objective have been clarified in advance. The treatment procedures are carried out in exactly the same way as an on-site treatment. I connect energetically with your subconscious and carry out the treatment as a proxy. All I need is your consent.

What does "as a proxy" mean?

Once the energetic connection has been established, I can ask myself (i.e. my subconscious) all the questions that I would otherwise ask you (i.e. your subconscious) because we are energetically connected. So I get the same answers. I can also carry out the dissolving (healing) actions on myself on the basis of these answers. In many cases you will feel these processes spontaneously over the distance (this may or may not be the case - but it has happened nonetheless). At the end of the remote treatment, I disconnect the energetic connection again.

If you feel addressed here and have gained the impression that I can make a contribution to your future better life, then simply contact me without obligation for a free 1:1 conversation.